How PictureView Works

Many thousands of pictures and videos are posted to the Usenet every day.

To see these pictures and videos, you normally have to look through thousands of messages, most of which don’t give you a clue as to the content. PictureView lets you see what kind of picture or video was posted before you spend time downloading it.

  • The PictureView news servers receive binary files (i.e., pictures and videos) from the Usenet.
  • You see easy-to-use index pages that let you preview multiple files at a glance.
  • You browse through the pictures and videos visually by pointing and clicking.
  • Download with a single click.
  • Millions of pictures and thousands of videos online, with more than 100,000 files arriving each day.
  • Includes multimedia formats such as ASF, AVI, DivX, M4V, MP3, MP4, MPEG, MPG, MOV (i.e, QuickTime video files), RAM (i.e., Real Audio files), and WMV.
  • Special features include batch downloading, Personalized Group Lists, and comprehensive and fast searching of the entire archive.

Sign up now for unlimited access at just $12.95 per month!
NOTE: You must be 18 or older to enter PictureView.

Related Links:

What Is the Usenet?